web thoughts

the world (wide web) belongs to you

my web reflection - start: 5/9/2024


personal background.

I was born in 1995. My first internet experience was at school (of course), and we used BrainPop to learn.

Once I hit middle school, I began to use the internet more. I used MSN, mostly for roleplay purposes. That, and I used deviantArt, and fanfiction.net. Oh, and LiveJournal...can't forget LiveJournal.

Unfortunately, because my aunt didn’t regulate which websites I visited, I was exposed to quite a bit: most memorably, a beheading video I found on 4chan. The only “regulation” was my internet usage for the day.

But during my time using MSN, the one thing I got was connection. After finding out there were people who were like me across the world, I grew more and more attached to the world wide web. At school, I had friends who had similar interests: anime, manga and video games. But still, I felt alone. I was weird, but all kids are weird. So you could understand how much happier I felt when I found more weirdos that I could “see” outside of school.

So that’s what the internet meant to me: connection. It was personal, and soon, it became comforting. When I had a terrible day, I’d log onto Skype and message my friends. When things sucked at home, I’d grab my phone and use Skype.

And soon, like everyone else, I joined Discord.

what's changed?